Evaluation of a Malnutrition Prevention Package (C4PX) in vulnerable households with children under 2 years of age in Cabo Delgado
Timeline: 2022 – Present
Project Background: In September 2022, the United Nations (UN) World Food Programme (WFP) released recommendations for use of Cash Based Transfers for the prevention of acute malnutrition (C4PX) in the Cabo Delgado Province of Mozambique, in response to the current global food crisis.
Based on the available evidence, starting May 2024, the WFP Nutrition Division will implement the following Malnutrition Prevention Package, called C4PX, in highly food insecure areas of the Cabo Delgado Province that have functional markets:
(1) Cash-based transfers top-up (i.e. value vouchers) to meet specific nutrient needs of most vulnerable target groups (i.e. children <24 months old, pregnant and breastfeeding women and girls);
(2) Social Behaviour Change (SBC) activities to guide the use of the top-up through promotion of optimal infant/young feeding practices and maternal nutrition, and address the current gender norms related to feeding practices, maternal nutrition and unpaid care work;
(3) Support nutritional screening, early detection, and referral to achieve an early diagnostic of acute malnutrition in children under 2 years old;
(4) Map potential retailers in Cabo Delgado where the project will be implemented, which will include a mapping of available nutritious foods by WFP, and implement activities to improve access, availability and affordability of key nutritious commodities markets.
The WFP has received funding to implement this intervention package in two districts of Cabo Delgado Province, Montepuez and Chiure, as well as carry out an evaluation to learn from it, as it seeks longer-term investment and multi-year support for C4PX. All components of the C4PX package will be implemented in the District of Chiure. Components (2) - (4) will be carried out in the District of Montepuez.
Project Objective: The purpose of this study will be to evaluate the C4PX project in Cabo Delgado Province of Mozambique. This evaluation is commissioned by WFP Headquarters in coordination and with support from the Mozambique Country Office. It will be carried out by Kagin’s Consulting (https://kaginsconsulting.com/) and the University of California Davis. Kagin’s will use propensity score matching methods as well as qualitative methods (focus group discussions with beneficiaries and retailers) to evaluate these programs. A publishable article is also envisioned as part of this project.